Friday, January 27, 2012

Early Days

My husband got me my lovely vintage Singer Stylist for Christmas. Because he is AWESOME. We bought it from a lovely couple--I sent the lady a necklace I made that she had admired as a thank you--and it was frustrating to have to leave it almost untouched for two weeks while we went to visit my family in England. When we got back I was still puzzling over the threading diagrams, wondering if I'd ever understand how the thing worked.

Well, I got it. Understanding came pretty quickly. Proficiency will take longer. ;)

The first thing to roll off my machine was a set of placemats for my husband and I. We don't have room for a dining table in our apartment, so we just needed something to line the trays we have since the old mats were looking a little worn. I thought it would be the perfect practice, because it doesn't matter a bit if the stitching was wonky or something went a little wrong. Well, the stitching IS wonky, but I still ended up with two perfectly usable double-sided placemats. :D And a week or two later, I know exactly what I'll do differently next time, too.

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